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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I miss you when something really good happens,
 because you are the one I want to share it with.

 I miss you when something is troubling me,
 because you are the one who understands me so well.

I miss you when I laugh and cry ,
because I know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear.

I miss you all the time,
but I miss you most when,
I lay awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other,
 for those were some of the best times of my life.

Friday, August 13, 2010


baby (leha) skrang nie u da jauh sgt dari i.

so u jage ar diri u elok2 eyh bby. 
xmao tension2, gado, n yg paling penting skali mkan dgn mandi. (ingt taw 3x sehari :P )
bby (leha) i rase mcm sunyi sgt skrang nie.
sumpah oh sunyi gilakkk. 
setiap kali i lalu or buat bnde yg i penah buat dgn u,
i rase sedeyh gila coz u xda dgn i. 
bby (Leha) td kan i gie train abgw suro i gie pam minyak 2.
i gie la pas2 time nk patah balik kedai mkan 2 kn lalu jln blakang ingt x yg 1st time i bg u bawak kat luar.
i teringat u gila2 kot. sumpah owh.
x sampai sehari i da x tahan da.

You may be out of my sight...
but never out of my mind...
I Miss You BabY!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

nama saya leha and guess what im so in love now....I really love him so much....even die cakap saya cepat sangat sayang orang...ermmmmm saya cepat percaya dengan orang but sayang (fier) I xkisah sebab I xnk bazirkan satu saat pun dengan u.....dah lebih 3bulan kite bersama tanpa ikatan apa-apa pun..u dengan I dari pagi petang siang till tengah malam....kalau u xde kat sebelah i rasa macam I missing some part of u terima kasih banyak hadir dalam hidup me whats real love is.....protect me from getting hurt....I love u so much!!and I will never tired 2 say the 3 words..... 


love u syg